“Willow Creek” was aired on Radio SRF Virus in Swiss Songs of the Week Show. Thanks guys!
Welcome to Willow Creek
Our first music video for “Willow Creek” is now officially released! Feel free to watch, like and share. Our debut EP “Electric Brew” is gonna be released on August 1st on iTunes, Amazon and many others. Big thanks to Michael Klauser (www.blueyeti.ch)
Electric Brew comes on August 1st!
We’re proud to announce that our first EP “Electric Brew” comes on August 1st 2014. The four songs were produced by Sandro Hussel at Woodstage Studios in Zurich, Switzerland. The EP was mastered at Black Saloon Studios in London, UK, with multi grammy award winner Mandy Parnell, who previously worked with The White Stripes or […]
The Konincks to support Moreland & Arbuckle
We will support the breaking american blues rock act Moreland & Arbuckle on December 13th at Chollerhalle in Zug, Switzerland. Moreland & Arbuckle and The Konincks are sure gonna blow your minds! Buy Tickets
Videoclip “Willow Creek”
We will release the single and video clip for “Willow Creek” on July 22nd. Our debut EP “Electric Brew” comes on August 1st. More details to come, stay tuned!
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